News and Events

  • From Mandi Crisp

    In celebration of McIntire's Centennial, join our virtual conversation with visionary leader, banker, and entrepreneur Jerry Ng (Parent '14), Founder &…
  • From Keely Ledford

    McIntire Black alumni and students joined Bryan Myers '09 and Ashley Young '09 for an insightful conversation on his career path that led him from Grounds to…
  • From Al Hoover

    We welcomed all McIntire alumni and friends for a Reunions Remixed event featuring A Conversation with Dean Nicole Thorne Jenkins, moderated by Amanda Richardson…

Most Viewed

  • From Al Hoover

    McIntire’s M.S. in Commerce students explain how the Program combines essential business skills with global experience, building on their undergraduate coursework…
  • From [email protected]

    We hope that the McIntire community will enjoy this virtual yoga class, “Yoga for All - Physical Distancing with Online Social Closeness.” Special thanks…
  • From [email protected]
